Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Metabolism and Skipping Breakfast


  1. Hi Fatima!

    I was and still continue to be amazed at my friends and people that do not eat breakfast until past noon, I am the type of person that will become “hangry” if I have not eaten by 9. This is my first semester taking biochemistry and I truly never realized what a significant impact it had on many of the important processes in our body, it now makes sense as to why our circadian rhythm would play a large regulation role in metabolism. I came across an article in which it discussed the importance of dietary intake and the effect on circadian rhythms. It turns out, depending on the time food was ingested it could potentially affect the transcription factors found in the liver (Serin and Acar Tek, 2019). The liver plays a crucial role in the regulation and sites of many metabolic processes to supplement the body with the appropriate source of energy and fuel. If we decrease the number of functioning hepatocytes that would reduce the efficiency of the liver performing gluconeogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation overall, decreasing the amount of ATP and metabolic intermediates needed to fuel the body. Needless to say, our parents were right when they would say breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

    Serin, Y., & Acar Tek, N. (2019). Effect of circadian rhythm on metabolic processes and the regulation of Energy Balance. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 74(4), 322–330.

  2. Hello Fatima, thanks for this interesting post. I am someone that tends to skip breakfast all the time, so when I read this post, it made me think twice about skipping breakfast. I have alway heard that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” and didn’t really believe it, but reading your post and doing more research, I found that it is important when you eat because it has an effect on the biochemistry in your body. So I came across an article about how skipping breakfast more than 3 days a week found an 11% increase for overweight/obesity compared to less than two days per week. Do you think the type of breakfast matters too?

    Wicherski J, Schlesinger S, Fischer F. Association between Breakfast Skipping and Body Weight-A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Longitudinal Studies. Nutrients. 2021 Jan 19;13(1):272. doi: 10.3390/nu13010272. PMID: 33477881; PMCID: PMC7832891.


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