Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Circadian Clock and Metabolism


  1. Hi Fatima,

    I love this blog post!!! Ever since Dr. C's class I have always found circadian clocks and biological rhythms super interesting, I actually did my final project on it.

    I was interested in how circadian rhythms were related to what we learned today, and I found an article about circadian rhythms and how it relates to thermal regulation. This article talks about how the change in core temperature as well as the sweating response, and how they are affected by exercise. The article found that
    the change in core body temperature as well as sweating were unaffected by circadian rhythm in the presence of different ambient temperatures. This surprised me because I thought that an effect in sleep circadian rhythms would have a larger impact on this. However, after learning the material we learned in class today I wonder if this is because we are endotherms where we generate internal heat, as well as homeotherms where we have a stable core body temperature. Circadian rhythms are very important, and I’m sure if there was a more longitudinal study where these sleep rhythms were altered for a longer period of time there would be a significant difference in core body temperature regulation as well as sweat responses. I wonder if this experiment would be different in animals that do not maintain the same core body temperature, and are thermo tolerant animals, meaning their body temperature varies due to their ambient environment.

    Thanks for sharing your post, this intrigued me and allowed me to dive deeper into this subject in regards to what we learned today.

  2. Here is the article:

    Ravanelli N, Jay O. The Change in Core Temperature and Sweating Response during Exercise Are Unaffected by Time of Day within the Wake Period. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 2021;53(6):1285-1293. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000002575


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