Friday, October 1, 2021

New NormaTec Recovery Technology... How Does it Really Work?

     Athletes are constantly on the search for new recovery methods, the constant challenge is how can I receiver as fast as possible to train as much as possible. One of the newest and most recognizable recovery technologies is the NormaTec Boots. These boots are full leg boots which you zip yourself into that cover from your feet to your hips. The NormaTec's are a compression based recovery device that posses key features to aid recovery in multiple different ways. It has different massage patterns via compression such as gradient, distal release and pulsing features. The boots are made of multiple different segments that inflate independently of each other and move in a wave like function.

     NormaTec's gradient feature starts with compression at your feet and moves upward compressing segment by segment this is done to replicate the one-way valves found in the veins and lymphatic system in the human body. This style of compression prevents back flow of fluid and keeps blood from being forces in the wrong direction. Studies have shown that this type of gradient compression is a superior option for hemodynamics. Hemodynamics is the blood flow between organs and tissue of the human body. Studies also show that this type of compression could be effective in treating exercise-induced muscle damage. 

    The next feature of the NormaTec is the distal release, starting at you feet, and releasing upward segment by segment, this is essential the release of the compression gradient that is previously taking place. This distal release prevents the detrimental effects on the human body's natural flow of blood that can be interrupted by entente periods of time under static compression or high pressure. Essentially this process is aiding the body in its natural circulation process. By doing so the inflammation and other byproducts of exercise are being brought from your extremities to the core to be dealt with and disposed of by your body's natural systems. This is mimicking how the body would naturally recover just forcing it to be done in a shorter amount of time, which is how it speeds up recovery. 

    NormaTecs other patented feature is its using feature. As you exercise your muscles are contracting and relaxing. This creates what is most commonly called a "pump" that allows the blood, inflammation and other waste byproducts that are created during exercise to travel against gravity through veins and the lymphatic system. Muscle pumping action has been shown to clear more waste within the body than static compression such a compression sleeves, this pulling feature is replicating the muscle pumping action. 

     With this being said we come to the main question, is NormaTec really aiding in recovery and performance. Ultimately even if the science theoretically backs the process of the NormaTecs, that does not ultimately matter unless recovery and performance is being impacted. Meta-analyses was used to conclude that compression is one of the highest-ranking forms of recovery, capable of lowering delayed onset muscle soreness, exercise induced muscle damage and perceived fatigue. Compression is ranked just below massage and water immersion. The research is overwhelmingly clear that compression increases recovery and therefore performance. This is an ethical form of recovery because although this is an expensive technology and not all athletes have access to it, there are other forms of recovery, that is just as effective; such as water immersion; and available to everyone.  

Simply science: Normatec with expert Matt Hanson. Recover. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2021, from 


  1. Hey Kyra,

    As athletes I think we can both agree that NormaTec technology is a fantastic piece of equipment that helps with recovery. I found an interesting paper that found that devices like NormaTec that utilize intermittent compression were not able to provide continued relief for exercise induced muscle damage, but did provide short term relief for muscle soreness. I think this supports your idea that NormaTec is effective by allowing waste to be cleared from inflamed tissue more efficiently and decreasing muscle soreness in the short term, but is not necessarily effective for long term muscle damage from exercise. This paper focused on endurance athletes, so I'm interested if you think that devices like NormaTec might be more beneficiary to non-endurance athletes looking to recover or if NormaTec might provide other benefits that help with recovery outside of exercise induced muscle damage?

    Also, I looked at the website you cited and I found it interesting they discussed some contradictions in findings across studies (so this paper just might be one of those). My paper only uses three studies for their review so I would also be critical of the smaller sample size, but I would still argue that IF NormaTec doesn't provide long term recovery for exercise-induced muscle damage, the effects of decreased muscle soreness and draining of inflamed tissue make this recovery technology well worth it for recovering athletes.

    Great job on your post and explaining how NormaTec works!

    Heres the paper I found:
    Stedge, H. L., & Armstrong, K. (2021). The Effects of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression on the Reduction of Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Endurance Athletes: A Critically Appraised Topic. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 30(4), 668–671.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. For some reason my comment above got posted as "Unknown", but I just want to make sure that you and Dr. Campisi know that this was my comment.


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